Ynkleudherhenavogyon – Arvor Mysteri CD
€12.30 Meditating upon the night waves. A being possessed by the storm upon the cliffs as heavy fog rolls over the jagged rock. The ethereal skin pierced and opened as portals to a time forgotten. The lone wolf binding these nexus walls and setting alight the new age of man. Dance
Zénithe – Revenants of Aether CD
€7.38 Dark ambient music of the highest order. CD version featuring remixes from J. Aernus (Wolfskin) as bonus tracks. “Glossolalia from worlds beyond and numinous ecstasy from occult liturgical chants, “Revenants of Aether” travels to murky waters of the mind, spiritual and psychic realms hidden under the mire, the abstract and
Крюкокрест – Ауфидерзейн DCD
€14.76 Double-CD edition of the second album of this Russian act, probably one of the most well-known of the Pleskau Brethren / Horrible Room collective.